Initiative launched for more sustainability

Press release

The campaign website was launched at the start

Willich, 13.01.2020  Eight members of the Working Group Secondary Raw Materials in the Economic Association of the German Rubber Industry (wdk) founded the NEW LIFE initiative at the end of 2019. Its declared aim is to demonstrate the advantages of recycled products from End-of-Life Tires (ELT) to the media, politicians and the general public and to motivate them to act sustainably. Today the website was launched today, providing comprehensive information on recycling products, from background information on recycling management and approaches to sustainable action to the presentation of products made from recycled materials. This includes, for example, floor coverings for sports and games, edgings and boundaries and playground accessories, but also lamps or vases and much more. Other planned measures include the publication of a magazine, participation in trade fairs and events and the creation and distribution of film material. In addition, the NEW LIFE initiative is introducing the labels “Recycling Product” for products with at least 20 percent recycled ELT materials and “Top Recycling Product” for products with at least 80 percent recycled ELT materials, which can be used as a guide for both commercial buyers and consumers.

From a disposable economy to a circular economy with NEW LIFE

In Germany alone, around 584,000 tons of used tires are produced every year – tires are an innovative product with valuable ingredients, but they usually have a service life of between one and six years, depending on the mileage. This results in a huge mountain of scrap tyres every year. In about one third of the cases, used tires are simply incinerated – but this does not correspond to the principle of perfect recycling management, which aims to use and process raw materials in a resource-saving manner. Accordingly, used tyres are ideally shredded and broken down into their individual components in order to produce very high-quality products which can often be used for much longer than a tyre. Just think of fall protection floors on playgrounds or artificial turf pitches for professional football. The original product is thus returned to the material cycle and also has excellent properties in this application which are superior to other products.


Partners of NEW LIFE are Conradi + Kaiser living industries, Estato Umweltservice, Genan, Kraiburg Relastec, Melos, MRH, PVP and REGUPOL BSW. In the Federal Republic of Germany alone, about 584,000 tons of scrap tyres accumulate every year which have to be recycled. The recycling products obtained from this, in particular rubber granulates and rubber flour, are suitable for use in the production of tyres. excellent for the resource-saving development of innovative products in various fields of application. These partner companies of the NEW LIFE campaign have set themselves the goal of promoting sustainable products from ELT and sensitizing people to consume consciously.

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