SPORTEC® Color Mixer

SPORTEC® variant can be ordered and produced as personalised colour mixes. The order quantities required for such mixes are the equivalent to a full production batch. A summary of the quantities (m²) per thickness and per batch is shown here. As pricing can vary depending on the colours chosen, please consult a member of the SPORTEC® team for a complete offer.

Thickness (mm) 1 batch
15 rolls
2 batches
30 rolls
3 batches
45 rolls
4 batches
60 rolls
4 562,5 m² 1125 m² 1687,5 m² 2250 m²
6 375 m² 750 m² 1125 m² 1500 m²
8 281,25 m² 562,5 m² 843,75 m² 1125 m²
10 225 m² 450 m² 675 m² 900 m²