Advantages and properties of KRAITEC® protective layers under PV systems
Protection for sealing sheet
Protection layer in accordance with DIN 18531, 18533 and 18535
Tested fire behaviour
All structural protection mats feature a minimum fire resistance class of Efl (according to DIN EN 13501-1), KRAITEC® top FiRe features Bfl-s1 (DIN EN 13501-1:2010)
Frost and weather resistant
Due to the open granular structure, puddle formation is avoided, the layers beneath are protected from the effects of the weather
Rot-proof and waterproof
Rotting and dissolving by water are prevented by using specified recycling rubber granulates
Integrated separation layer in case of incompatibility
KRAITEC® top plus and top PV are laminated with fleece or composite film on the underside to prevent plasticizer migration between the structural protection mat and the waterproofing membrane.
High coefficient of sliding friction
To prevent elements from shifting; KRAITEC® top PV has a high coefficient of sliding friction due to the composite film lamination (µ ≥0,6, laboratory measurement on dry PVC sealing)
Quick and easy installation
Without heavy equipment to save costs
Uneven subsurfaces
Due to the elasticity of the products, they are able to adapt to the substrate and unevenness.